List in MLS for Less

Full MLS Listing. No Commissions. No Hidden Fees.

Selling your property and want to list it in MLS? Why pay high real estate agent and broker commissions when you can do it for less with ListingSpark?

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How it works

ListingSpark is the fastest way to sell your house

Sell from Anywhere

We Help You Get More Out of Your Investment

Your property is your investment. With ListingSpark on your side, you can keep more of your money in your pocket by listing, selling, and closing your own property.

Forget about the commissions, long sales cycle and lack of control.

With ListingSpark, you get access to the MLS plus support and intuitive technology that’s as advanced (or more!) as what real estate agents use, so you can sell your property confidently without giving up so much money.

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Modern marketing for your home

Get on the MLS and Real Estate Sites

The MLS is the place to get your property noticed by agents, brokers and buyers. In the past, property owners were forced to pay commissions to a real estate agent or broker to have their property featured on MLS.

Not anymore.

Because ListingSpark is a full-service real estate brokerage firm, we can get you on the MLS in your market for a small fraction of the commission real estate agents require. We’ll also get you on other real estate marketplace sites for even more views:

ListingSpark gives you the same access to the same sites as the full-priced real estate agents use but for a whole lot less.


What else is included

ListingSpark doesn’t just list your home.

We support you through the entire process and give you everything you need to find success selling your home.


Free Sign
& Lockbox

ListingSpark makes scheduling and managing showings a seamless process with a sign and SUPRA lockbox delivered directly to you.


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Free HD photos
for your home

Show off your home with professional photos. We send a dedicated real estate photographer to capture your home in the best light – all at no extra cost.


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Free support
7 days a week

Need answers? Our team of experts are here to help. Call, chat, or email our live support team 7 days a week.


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Free eSign &
remote closing

We make closing convenient. Sign online or have a notary travel to you.


Optional add-ons

Full-service agent at a low fee

Assistance with pricing and selling the property

Assistance with offer negotiations and repair inspections


What a few recent clients have to say about ListingSpark:

Ready to sell your home with the best real estate investor software?

Create your home listing in less than 20 minutes and start receiving offers.